KS4 French & Spanish

French and Spanish GCSEs


The GCSE courses in French and Spanish aim to:

  •  Develop the ability to use a foreign language for practical communication;
  •  Form a sound base for further study, work and leisure;
  •  Offer insights into the culture and civilisation of other countries;
  •  Develop an awareness of the nature of language;
  •  Provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation


  • The introduction of a wide range of literary texts,
  • The requirement to translate short texts from and into the target language
  • A focus on the culture and identity of countries where the languages are spoken
  • Knowledge and application of grammar

The focus will be on teaching:

  • Knowledge of the cultural content that motivates and brings languages to life,
  • Strong communication based on a good understanding of how language works (activating grammatical knowledge and understanding),
  • Application of  languages in personal, academic and employment-related contexts,
  • Spontaneous talk and use of repair strategies as a skill,
  • Wide range of sources for listening and reading, including literary texts to inform, inspire and act as a stimulus for a personal response,
    Independence and interaction in all skills.


  • Edexcel French and Spanish
  • The weighting for the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) will be 25% each
  • Tiered exam – students will have to decide to do either foundation OR higher
  • External assessment for all skills (oral exams will be internally conducted but externally   assessed),
  • At least 10% of the marks available must be allocated to knowledge and application of grammar,



Updated 10/03/2022