Citizenship Studies


Citizenship Studies investigates how the citizen is enabled by society to play a full and active part and how citizens are empowered to effect change within society. Citizenship understanding develops through the knowledge of how a society operates and functions and its underlying values.

Course Content

Section 1: Citizenship skills, processes and methods.

These are explored throughout Sections 2-5 and enable learners to:

• Form hypotheses, create reasoned arguments and reach substantiated conclusions about citizenship issues.
• Understand the methods and approaches used by governments and others to address citizenship issues in society.
• Analyse citizenship ideas, issues and debates.
• Present their own and other viewpoints.
• Plan practical citizenship actions and critically evaluate their effectiveness.

Section 2: Life in Modern Britain

• The principles and values that underpin British society.
• The meaning of identity in a diverse society.
• The role of the media and free press.
• The UK’s role in international organisations.

Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities

• What laws society needs and why.
• Citizens’ rights and responsibilities with the legal system.
• How the law has developed, protects citizens and deals with criminals.
• Universal human rights and how these are protected.
• How citizens can bring about change in the legal system.

Section 4: Politics and Participation

• Where political power resides in the UK and how it is controlled.
• The powers of local and devolved government and how citizens can participate.
• Whether political power resides with the citizen, parliament or government.
• How others govern themselves.
• How citizens can bring about political change.

Section 5: Active citizenship.

• Through case studies and their own action, students will explore how citizens can make a difference.
• In groups, they will take citizen action: a planned course of informed action to address a citizenship issue or question of concern aimed at delivering a benefit or change for a particular community or wider society.


The exam is administered by AQA.

There are two written exams.

Paper 1 assesses Active Citizenship and Politics and Participation.

Paper 2 assesses Life in Modern Britain and Rights and Responsibilities.

There is no coursework, although completing a Citizenship Action is a compulsory element.


Updated 14/03/2022